Flash Sale!!!
Hey Hey Hey!! FLASH SALE *****************************************************$250 Portrait Sessions plus $50 Bonus towards future sessions.I'm so stoked to be able to lower my prices for a short deal of time for everyone, REALLY I AM! I am finally able to get back to the grind now that my little girl Stella is older and I can work without her being so dependent on momma! LOL! So I am offering this to get some sessions down on the books.
Needing to get that family session you've been wanting done, now is the time.Oh dang graduation is around the corner, sign up for that senior of yours portait session!Mommas out there, I know how important it is to capture every single moment with my kiddo, lets set a date to get those photos done you've been wanting to do.Heck you want to have a fun photoshoot for yourself,,,,,I would LOVE to do that!
Sale Lasts till this Sunday, you don't need to set a date just book the session for $125 and the rest will be due on your session date.click on the sign up button above and fill out the contact form from my website, mention your interested in the flash sale and I will be getting in touch with you ASAP!
Also, click the like button on my FB page, cause it puts a smile on my face See you all soon I am looking forward to photographing you ALL!!!