Diane Nicole Photography Luxury Leather Albums from RedTree

Customized Luxury Leather Albums

Hi There! 

I wanted to share these incredible albums. I go through an album company called RedTree and I have to say these are the most BEAUTIFUL albums I have ever put my hands on. Every order is put together with finely crafted and gifted hands, they are made with the highest quality materials and are just simply stunning! I am so excited to be working with this company and sharing their products with my clients.

Luxury Album Investment

Parent Album (roughly 5x7)  $500

8x10 (standard size) 10 spreads (20 pg)  $750

9x12 10 spreads (20 pg)  $1000

11x14 10 spreads (20 pg)  $1250

additional pages $25 each


Danielle and Michael


Solorio Wedding